Temple (Asian Jungle)

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Temple (Asian Jungle)"/>

Temple (Asian Jungle)

A great variation of an asian jungle temple

The temple seen in the picture is c.a. 140×140 blocks and is fully accessible from inside.
For this purpose there are many possibilities to decorate the inner and outer surface (gardens etc.).
The implementation is quite demanding and requires quite a lot of time and is therefore only suitable for the creative mode.
Front view:
Interior view:


  1. looks really great! Everything you have put in so far looks really awesome! But a question I have how high is so the effort or the time effort on average with your constructions? Respect!!!!

  2. Thank you thank you, I always make an effort 🙂 .
    It's quite different ... big things like this one are made in the course of weeks, sometimes months ... I always do the whole thing part by part ... but mostly never longer than an hour ...
    But drafts in advance usually help to move quickly ...
    But in the JungelTempel case I would say that I definitely didn't need more than 4-5 hours in total ...

  3. The structure is really great - but I would find it much more interesting if you varied the blocks a bit. E.g. replace single Stonebricks with Smooth Stone or Andersite and mix in a little Cracked and Mossy Stonebrick. That would really liven it up - it still looks a bit unfinished and unkind.