Umbrella Corporation

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Umbrella Corporation"/>

Umbrella Corporation

The Umbrella Corporation base of Resident Evil underground.

This is a decoration without Redstone
This is a small piece of my subterranean bassis here on the picture the umbrella corporation simbol of Resident evil.
For all those who build under the earth and do not know what to build next, this is a good idea.
It's all built in survival by itself and anyone can do it .


  1. Would be cool if you make an adventure out of it! Where you have to escape from the base! with many zombiespawnern! Could be a huge project 😀

    Ps: Nicely done!

  2. yes so with tepich that is me later aufgefalen but I have no desire to build everything ap

    and to all who do not believe that I have built in survival I have here a par tips

    1 when you build under the ground you collect lots of stones and ores this is very helpful i can only recommend this

    2 it is best to use stone bricks to build your turning roofs and floors this looks better
    to do this you first have to melt down all the cobblestones you should not do this the normal way so not with kole or wood kole but with lava buckets i recommend you to build a Neter bassis where you have to use a lot of furnaces and which you fill with lava . this way you collect a lot of xp and save a lot of kole

    but you can also use berutsamkeit stone pointy hooks

    or you blow your holes with tnt and then you work them
    this is quite simple only with the lighting it will be more difficult you have the wall Glowsttone or flares I empäle both
    fell fun and fell success

  3. yes it is also there are ims total 4 villager

    to make willager you must find a zombievilager and throw him with a drink of sulfur, and then give a golden apple then sounds a noise and it comes out of him red particles, but he is still a zombie then you gest in legs bassis so that he follows you then you build around him an earth want so that he no longer follows you and then after 2 to 3 minutes he is a villager try it out with pleasure that kamman really only recommend => ZombieHead

    this is a little hard to find in terms of a zombie village bewoner the rest is pretty easy

    ps sory my spelling and my gramatic