Broken ticket vending machine

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Broken ticket vending machine"/>

Broken ticket vending machine

A small detail for a (broken) station.
When you press the switch, there are a few clicks and the player is thrown about eight tickets (renamed paper).

If you flip the switch again, nothing happens and if you repeat it, it starts all over again.


The picture shows the redstone technique: A clock with a redstone flare and a repeater, if you let the repeater run with one tick delay, the clock goes off with a hiss shortly after. You can also set the repeater to four ticks, which won't break the clock. The clock is activated by the switch, the clock is activated by a dispenser behind a glass block (items fly through it). On the glass I put a sign with "out of order" to imitate the screen of the vending machine and to hide the glass I put a 1x2 picture in front of it that overlaps with the sign. Now you have to put some red and white blocks around it for recognition and you have a broken ticket machine. Of course, you could also use it for other purposes.
An avid Minecrafter who doesn't shy away from redstone and command blocks or decorating ideas.


  1. It does happen that a vending machine is broken in a station, and in Minecraft you build stations for decoration all the time, but you're right, you can apply the concept to other vending machines.