Ideas with Redstone

Ideas with Redstone

Traffic light control

A working circuit for traffic lights in Minecraft.

Binary random generator

A generator that outputs one of two values completely at random.

Village Hall Trap

Very good for trolling other players in multiplayer. When entering the pressure plate opens not only the fence gate, but also the floor below.

Lava Trap

A trap that burns unwanted visitors.


A fair with an archery range, an armor stand shooting range, a rainbow bonfire, a lucky machine and a trampoline.

Arrow Detector

At the front are wooden buttons behind Redstone torches. If an arrow hits the wooden button, the redstone torch is deactivated. In itself useless but warns of attacking enemies.

Tunnel of Enchanting

This particular tunnel is great for adventure maps or even servers and gives the player experience points.

Restaurant in the mountain

A restaurant in the mountain with lights that can be switched on and off.

Carpet Player Trap

When a player opens the chest the carpet under him goes away and he falls down

Chest Trap

Under the carpet and the Redstonetruhe is TNT. If someone opens the Redstonet chest, the TNT ignites and explodes.