Ideas with Redstone

Ideas with Redstone


Another variation of the old familiar Redstone clock, only this one is only one block wide.

Fast, simple block exchanger

This simple machine allows you to have a block in your wall replaced after a 1-tick delay.

Cow catapult

A little machine that flings cows through the air.


At the touch of a button, you can select the direction in which you want to continue.

Automatic Redstone Lantern

This is a Redstone lantern that is activated and deactivated fully automatically.

Possible clock generator types

A few ways to build clocks.

Automatic station

A small simple station, but which automatically collects trolleys and sets them again at the push of a button.

Money printing machine

This should not be missing in any bank.

Broken ticket vending machine

A small detail for a (broken) station.
When you press the switch, there are a few clicks and the player is thrown about eight tickets (renamed paper).

Beacon control

A mechanism with which you can control or turn on/off beacons.