City Gate Middle Ages 1

Complexity: simple
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City Gate Middle Ages 1

Here I show you again in more detail my city in the Middle Ages look. As you can see it consists of materials that almost everyone has to hande like stone and wood (any kind). I hope you like the building it is one of many of me that can admire.


Here is another picture of the front view for you.

Here you get to see how it would look like if you go there from a street.

Of course, a city gate also includes a city wall as seen here and how it could be connected.

With the picture I wanted to show you times how big it is actually compared to the human I hope I did well.

If one would go through the gate and look upwards, one would recognize as here well to see that also there on beauty was paid attention.

So you know how the two towers are built in their oval look I have made you a picture of this.

With it I would be already now to end I hope it haut you fun made my building art to observe.
I know I am not the ace when it comes to spelling so I would like to apologize for that.
If you have any questions please contact me directly or write them down here.

Yours sincerely,
