This showcase can be placed in a small village to show that there was once a great warrior who protected the village from the monsters.
...or you just take it as your own place for your equipment (you don't always wear it or so you might reconsider). On the left and right you can see beacon beams which can be colored in the 1.8 version depending on what kind of glass block was placed over it.
Here again from closer and without glass.
Crafting recipe from the armor stand
To make an armor stand with arms you need the command: /summon ArmorStand ~ ~ {ShowArms:1} With arms you can also hold a sword or bow.
good idea I do not know why but I come unfortunately not on the 1.8 er = / wanted to build a hall of fame and upload the =D
why doesn't the armorman hold anything in his hand?with the command /summon ArmorStand ~ ~ {ShowArms:1} you can do this
I just don't understand your problem, if it's even a problem.
Nope. Just nope.
Where's the idea?
I can't figure out the cheat /summon ArmorStand ~ ~ {ShowArms:1}
Always comes a message that says: Cannot parse NBT data: Invalid tag encountered, expectet { as first char. Can anyone help me?
Nice idea 🙂