Drive rails are the fastest but also very expensive. With the right track you are still a lot faster on the road.
Normally one knows drive rails as the fastest. But if you lay normal rails like on the right side, you are much faster, possibly even twice as fast. If you sit in the lorry you can drive for a long time without any further drive. To use this technique for transport, you have to install drive rails in between, otherwise the lorry will stop quickly. A disadvantage, however, is that you have to lay 2 tracks because you can use them only in one direction.
I got this idea from SparkofPhoenix:
bit of blah-blahThe construction requires patience, especially for longer tracks. Depending on the direction in which the track runs, it is different how you can / must build the track. To find out in which direction you are looking at the moment, you have to call the debug screen (default key F3):

To make the track run north, I have not yet found a way to lay the rails without orders, because the mechanics of the rails do not allow such a connection.
/fill 10 5 22 10 5 44 rail 9
You have to do this 2 times, so that the rails are spawned correctly. The coordinates can be adjusted of course, just make sure that x and y (1, 2, 4 and 5 number) are the same ;).
Here it is possible to lay the rails by hand.
Place 2 rails diagonally to each other

Place another one in between

Dismantle the 2 Outer

Start the whole thing all over again

/fill 10 5 22 10 5 44 rail 6
You have to do this 2 times, so that the rails are spawned correctly. The coordinates can be adjusted of course, just make sure that x and y (1, 2, 4 and 5 number) are the same ;).
Also in this direction the construction by hand is possible again. The structure is the same as to the east.
Place 2 rails diagonally to each other

Place another rail between them

Dismantle the two exteriors

And start the whole thing all over again

/fill 10 5 22 10 5 44 rail 7
You have to do this 2 times, so that the rails are spawned correctly. The coordinates can be adjusted of course, just make sure that x and y (1, 2, 4 and 5 number) are the same ;).
Here you need the command again to build this track.
/fill 10 5 22 10 5 44 rail 8
You have to do this 2 times, so that the rails are spawned correctly. The coordinates can be adjusted of course, just make sure that x and y (1, 2, 4 and 5 number) are the same ;).
Good luck
Good idea!!!
Do not quite understand the meaning behind it, could explain the with times one:D:(
Drive rails require a lot of resources in larger quantities. Normal rails are much cheaper and with this technology you can move very fast with normal rails. It takes a bit of effort, but in my opinion it is worth it for longer distances.
Interesting that this works, but I'm not sure if it's that efficient. You can simply install a drive track every 8 or 16 blocks (still provides enough speed and is more material-efficient than the complete track to bepowern), looks visually better, can be built without problems in all directions and also leads uphill and downhill, which is not possible with this variant I think.
You are right but on straight surfaces you are still much faster with this variant.
That there are already several times on YT to of SparkoPhönix the had presented that weeks ago new it is not but since I find the idea garnichts as so bad, however, YT it is already there I still give a Like!
The is 1 minute and again faster than the normal antriebsschienenBahn only times to the info still to it
@Expert_no1 Quote from my description of this idea: "I got this idea from SparkofPhoenix:"Saying that an IDEA which is proposed on a Minecraft IDEAS website already exists multiple times and has been presented multiple times on YouTube is completely irrelevant and useless. As if everyone who uploads ideas to this site knows every Minecraft tutorial on YouTube. Just for the record, there are about 300 hours of video material uploaded per hour right now. Besides, there are many who don't watch Minecraft tutorials, SparkofPhoenix let alone YouTube at all. If I thought that way, I could go to probably 100% of the currently 1722 ideas on this page and say "Ehh dislike because that idea already exists on YouTube and the net in general." Man how that pisses me off :angry:
LG Haffel
I don't see what the point would be.
But no DISLIKE either!