Frame lock 2

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Frame lock 2"/>

Frame lock 2

This is a further development of the frame lock from xxluke. Basic idea and idea are therefore not from me!
The reason for the further development was the fact that this lock is easy to pick.

As with xxluke's lock, the position of an item in the frame is evaluated by a comparator. The frame allows eight positions. Here in the picture the signal is tapped at position three. The amplifier there ensures that a clear signal is available. Otherwise, the comparator may not detect the signal until one stage later. So when stage three is reached, the signal is routed through the amplifier and comparator to the door (in this case, a lamp). The further development consists in the fact that at stage 4 the signal is tapped again and passed to the comparator. thereby the comparator interrupts the "current flow" to the door. So it is no longer possible to open the lock by turning all the frames to position eight. Many thanks for this to moritzr, whose comment first brought this to my attention.
It is essential to ensure that the comparators which pick up the signal are switched on.


On the following pictures you can see the combination lock in the version with three frames. I have combined the individual signals with AND gates. In this special case the signals of frame 1 (bottom) and frame 3 (top) in gate 1; and the signal of frame 2 (middle) and gate 1 in gate 2.


I hope you like this idea. At least in my adventure map for my son, the castle has provided for fun. About suggestions for improvement I would be very happy. I have not been playing MC for long and am grateful for any tips!


  1. I like the idea behind the idea, but you could round one or the other corner, so for example the size. Also, you could arrange the frames evntl. next to each other.

    @Schwarzbier67: Since you ask for improvements: I could (if desired) the whole thing again slightly over work and then insert this version in the comments. However, it would also be understandable if you want to do it yourself.

  2. @ Der_Redi: The lock with the frames on top of each other I have only chosen because I thought it was better to explain. In fact, I have already installed it in both variants. And the thing with the size has the same reason.
    Besides, I have nothing against it if you come with the one or other improvement around the corner. In the end, I can only profit from it. 
    So, knock yourself out.

  3. @TheSheep20 Yep! It is. I already mentioned the reason above. Also, I still consider myself an "apprentice". I can't believe that after 6 months I'm already really good at Redstone... And I think I can learn a lot here.

  4. @blackbeer67
    Ah, OK. I see why you built it so big.

    I have just taken the time to also look at the lock of xxluke and have then made myself to my own variant...
    Here it is:
    (I note that I chose the variant with redstone flares because you can build them small).
    In this picture, it's "open"....
    ...and here "closed"
    Not much difference, right?
    The way it works is that you first have to enter the correct combination and then press the button so that the door opens. If the combination is wrong, the throwers fire an arrow as a warning shot. You can definitely make the system even smaller, but I avoided that here for better clarity. It can be extended by as many frames as you like.

    This is not meant to be a replacement for Schwarzbier67's idea, but an alternative. Thanks for the permission to work over the whole...
    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.