100 % Fully automatic XP, bone, arrow, bow and armor farming made possible by this Redstone-less and very effective interpretation of a skeleton farm! The skeletons are killed by the dogs, the funnels collect the items and the player standing in front of the dog kennel collects the XP.
This farm works reliably, efficiently and requires relatively little maintenance, making it an extremely practical addition to any survival world!
To what extent the visual, decorative integration is to be designed can be left entirely to your creativity, I for one have designed it as a guard dog kennel in a penal camp:
For the farm to function, only the influx of skeletons must be ensured by e.g. a skeleton spawner in the vicinity (e.g. via water stream transport system). If this is the case, the dogs can be released by right-clicking and the fully automatic AfK farming can begin!
For the farm are used as Building materials only any solid blocks for the drop shaft, some Funnel (6 here), Dogs (tamed wolves), Quarry stone walls and Iron grids/fences (not connecting with the quarry stone walls) needed:The skeletons fall from above through a 1-block shaft on the funnel surface (can also be covered with carpets). Recommended here is a Drop height of 21-22 blocks, as this leaves the skeletons with only a minimum of hearts.
The skeletons continue to be confined to the 1-block area, while the dogs are in the 1-block high hopper area can move freely. They use this to attack the skeletons, a natural trait of dogs in Minecraft.

The dogs themselves are best protected from their arrows by the solid blocks surrounding the skeletons' torsos.
Since the skeletons have already taken a lot of falling damage, the vast majority are "one-hits" and die right on the first attack, dropping items and experience points.
The funnels collect the Items and can feed them into a crate system or even a storage and sorting system!
The player himself stands in the direct vicinity of the funnel field, so the Experience points towards him and get through the Spaces between walls and iron bars to him.
The Walls also prevent the dogs from escaping from their kennel during the AfK period due to their height < 1.

Basically, by focusing the dogs on individual skeletons when they get close during transport, it has been found that a number of 2-3 dogs is recommended! Of course, the farm also works with more or less dogs, but more often only hinder each other, while with only one dog, focusing on a single skeleton can lead to a mob jam and thus a collection of the skeletons in the kennel, which the player would then have to kill "by hand".
It is also important to note: Before leaving the fully automatic skeleton farm, the dogs must be made to "sit" again by right-clicking, otherwise they will teleport behind the player and will no longer be in the kennel!
AttentionSince skeletons also spawn with enchanted shoes (protection and/or feather fall), these are no longer one-hits due to the lower fall damage and could, despite the best possible protection of the dogs, now and then hit a dog with an arrow. It is therefore recommended to position a crate with e.g. cheap zombie meat nearby, through which the dogs can be healed from time to time (several hours test run completed without major danger). Tip: The current state of health of a dog can be judged by its tail position (high = healthy, low = injured).
Umm... Ok that's a lot to read xD
Cool made, I vlt. after.
@Jack2-2 Thanks! 😉 Yes, you can also watch the video (no explicit tutorial), but who does not want that, for whom I have described it in more detail here. The construction itself is extremely simple and quickly made, but I just wanted to explain the reasons for it...! Worthwhile in any case really very, especially in survival worlds!
@Blank well, that's just the purpose of AfK farms, stupid to stand...! 😉 Is intended for situations where you're just not sitting at the computer or Minecraft just running in the background. While you check your emails or just eat something in the kitchen... you farm comfortably by "standing around stupidly".
@Blank The principle of an AfK farm is and remains nonetheless 😉 Then think of it as relief during your bathroom break.
Everything else we can discuss otherwise by PN, belongs here I think no longer in the comment function 😉
Can also be connected to other farms, like SparkofPhönix in Craft Attack 3.
That just the chunks of the other farms are loaded with
Find the idea cool but now do not know exactly how that all works:/ Please explain briefly, simple
I know one which goes even easier, but still like