
Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Gallows"/>


Here's a new idea for a gallows, with a hanged man.


First build the platform, I put birch steps on fences so it doesn't look too clunky. Next, build more fences for the actual gallows as shown in the picture. For the "hanged" I put leather armor on an armor stand and put zombie heads on it. The not yet hanged one stands on a trapdoor, the hanged one stands on a "Barrier" (ATTENTION only available by command "/give Player name barrier" ). On the side there is still a staircase for the executioner :) . Because of the command only conditionally suitable for the survivalmpdus, but without the "hung" very easy to rebuild.



  1. If you already have to work with commands for something like that then you can spawn the armor stands in a way that they don't fall, then you don't need the barrier block ;D
    Arms can also be made visible with a Command on the armor stands.

  2. @CreepyCreeper Thanks, glad it graces your world 🙂 .

    @matthi94 Then do that 🙂 Was just an idea. Does not mean that you have to rebuild it to 100%, tastes are fortunately different.

  3. It's already here.
    In addition, the other version is better, because there you can even hang players-even chickens.

  4. I think it's just stupid because minecraft is a game where you should only use violence against the monsters so in my opinion it should be banned because it was a torture method or execution device which should not be embellished sorry but unimaginative.I once saw a gallows on a server it was built by an 8 year old which is why he was banned which I think is good I mean is it nice to see someone suffocate?

  5. Yes still but it's not nice to let someone choke or do you find that funny I mean it's a game for 6 year olds and probably the little kiddies think Boah Geil! and then do everywhere such parts build

  6. I agree @ xXBLACKFIREXx.
    Many young children already have Pc and what if they see this
    they may not only be in the game, but in the real world.
    do something like that

  7. If small children with 6 already have their own PC, then they will find much worse on the Internet than a Minecraft gallows :ermm: And no one will hang people just because he has seen ingame nen gallows in real (with 6!!!!) 😀 It will also no one who plays "killer games", shoot around in real.

    I find the idea in any case hammer and have it immediately adopted into my survival world. D(WarriorCats you still do not have to be afraid of me :angel:)
