Gambling Machine

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Gambling Machine"/>

Gambling Machine

Functioning slot machine with many possibilities to set and many different winnings. Multiple wins are also possible.

The heart of the machine is a customs office, a random number generator (thanks to xxluke who made the original, which I only adapted) and a sorting machine. 

If you throw a certain item (here: emerald) into the left box, a short signal is sent to the random generator via the funnel below. This has an average odds of 8:1.
The signal that is triggered more often leads to a thrower who directs a consolation prize into the prize box (right). 

The other signal leads to a thrower at the sorting machine. Here, one of 9 items is now thrown into the sorting machine. 

6 of the items trigger a new thrower which then directs the prize into the corresponding box. The last 3 items are additional winning opportunities that are routed directly from the sorting machine into the winning box.

So it's impossible to predict what you might win since there can be up to 66 different prizes 😉

When the prize is in the box, a signal is sent to the lamp next to it and you know that you can collect your prize (but this is just a gimmick).

The odds of the random generator can be set variably. With an additional random generator it is also possible to set a main prize (simply connect to one of the sorting slots with 8:1 odds and on the rare signal the main prize launcher, on the other the consolation prize launcher. This way the main prize is very difficult to win).
With one or more additional random generators, you can also pay out several small winnings in addition.
It is also very easy to light up the "winning class" (small win, big win, main win).

I am aware that you can build the whole thing even better and more compact, but since I actually play on the 360 (Where I can not screen) and you my ideas only on PE nachbaue it came to me here not on beauty or compactness but to present you this idea because I have not seen anything like that (With the wishing well is not really to compare). If the idea catches on I will do my best to develop and present further great automats etc. to you. If you need help with the replica, feel free to contact 😉

Have fun building and playing




The whole thing can of course not only be used as a lottery machine but also as a normal random generator that offers more possibilities than the standard random generators, to the signals you can then connect yes what you like 😉

By the way, I built the whole thing on my Xbox like everything else in survival mode, so it's also possible without any problems if you already have some material supplies (and we have a lot of them in our world without having been in creative mode once or using any tricks/cheats).

Development platform: Xbox360 in survival mode
Screenshots: PE in creative mode


  1. I do not understand why it has soooooo many Disliks... The idea is actually quite cool, but the design goes better. Still, the idea deserves more likes. LIKE (from me)

  2. I have also built a gambling machine. It is much smaller, but at least as functional. I will upload it soon on this page.

    So: functionality good, design sufficient, idea overall very good.
    So long, Dirty Duck.