Matchday counter

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Matchday counter"/>

Matchday counter

A mechanism that uses the daylight detector to fill an item from a dropper into a box every day, allowing you to see how long you've been playing in the world.


The redstone line must be 7 blocks long. Especially on server worlds you have to make sure that there are always enough items in the dropper so that it doesn't get empty.


  1. @Mortimore - If you put a funnel next to a chest and fill it, the funnel doesn't care about an active redstone signal, because a funnel does exactly what a funnel has to do: pass stuff! Although it may be a mystery to almost everyone how a 40x40cm block feed tube can transport a 1x1x1m block.

    What you could do: Make sure that every day a piston briefly pushes a filled funnel to a box and takes it away again.

    @xxluke - Very, Very good idea! Now if you build it so that you can't see it, for example, you could make another version of your "Bread for the World" vending machine...and design them. However, I find that for a SO simple redstone story is already a bit big and complex: quartz and redstone; first find redstone ore and then find a lava lake...

    Design 4/5
    Benefit 4/5
    Resources 3,5/5
    = 11,5/15 P
    = Grade 2-
