great stone bridge

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=great stone bridge"/>

great stone bridge

A simple yet imposing way to impressively lead a path across a ravine. At the picture should be recognizable everything you need to build the bridge.


The only thing that is important visually is that the bridge runs symmetrically from any point in the middle to the left and right. Maybe try this out beforehand with individual blocks to see how it looks best.


  1. What buildings visually excelent is to irregularly alternating design.
    An object is rated as beautiful if it looks like in the Nature.
    In nature nothing regular; Everything consists of irregularities and aalternating design (cf. Z.1).

    Always try Realistic and never use the same building material for a building.
    >> Build your bridge differently and not only with Cobblestone. Also use stonebricks, slabs, stairs or even leaves and vines for decoration.

    This is also directed to all the other readers of this comment. Take this to heart and you'll be building awesome things!
  2. 🙂 Very good bridge! I build times in my world after! Looks very decorative in my opinion and is also something useful! Keep up the good work but also note the Tips of the other! 😀

  3. @0815julian That is purely a matter of taste. You just like such irregularities, but others just something "simple" and regular. Everybody is different and has his own preferences. And such Cobblestone bridges are quite realistic. So you see a natural bridge like that in the real world a lot less often than something built from one or two materials....

  4. Boah... Very impressive! I like it really well, could have taken to the construction maybe even stone bricks to loosen everything up a bit.
    In the middle of the arc, you might want to use steps instead of stairs for the smaller elevations....
    Nevertheless, very well done!