Industrial furnace extension

Complexity: simple
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Industrial furnace extension

As soon as there is only max 64 coal left in the oven, a light starts flashing and you know that you should refill.

Since I'm working in survival just on a large castle and accordingly must fry many stones, I came up with the idea. I always had to check if the stove still has coal. With this expansion reminds a flashing lamp to refill coal.


As soon as the side hopper (which refills the coal) is empty, a negated signal goes to an AND gate. The second AND condition is a simple repeater clock - as soon as there is no more coal in the hopper, the AND condition is fulfilled and the redstone lamp flashes in time with the clock.


  1. The oven from the front:
    see also manual industrial furnace

    Check if there is coal in the furnace with negation (it is important that the comparator is at the side hopper - the repeater is optional if you build the negation (block with flare at the side) directly at the comparator):

    AND gate with 2 inputs and the output (redstone lamp) - it is important that there is redstone between the torches and that the torch is also set on the left:

    The clock for the blink clock (2 opposing repeaters at level 3 - any other clock will work):

    Hope it helps you - if not then just ask
    Greeting usj89

  2. Good thing. Only I do not bring on the PS4 the clock from the 2 repeaters to work. Have managed, however, that the lamp comes on when the refill chest is empty. The state of the chest is more important to me than the one from the hopper.
    Since the lamp is relatively far away from the furnace I have amplified the signal with 2 repeaters. Can using repeaters in the redstone line cause the clock not to work? The clock is either always on or always off.
    The chests are brought to the same level with the help of additional funnels and dispensers. Funnels for falling objects, for climbing the dispensers (mouth upwards). Then the whole thing becomes more accessible. The whole repair is walled under the building, so that nothing is visible from the outside.

  3. @blogger01_
    see the instructions for the industrial oven or item lift on this page...
    if I want to gain experience, I go the Nether and collect 20min Nether Quartz with enchanted pickaxe - are then so about 30 Lvl...
    @ tangens70
    So I also use the PS4 version of Minecraft - I noticed that the repeater clocks like to hang times (is because the always only certain areas are "online" - so only where the player is near - have it tested once and am thereby landed at about 380 blocks away, all circuits, etc. that are further away from the player, no longer processed)... Instead prefer to use the funnel clock - which always works, because it virtually restarts itself.
    In my version there are 3 funnels behind the chest - so I have to fill in coal without end so that the lamp doesn't get the signal too early, that's why I took the last funnel in front of the stove, but it works just as well...
    As you can see on the main picture, I also put all my chests on one level, the screenshots here are just for understanding.

  4. Any clock works - is only for the flashing signal - purely theoretically, you can also leave out the clock completely to save space - but then only have a continuous light when you need to refill ...

  5. @tangens70
    I don't know if you have an answer yet but here is mine:
    You have to put a redstone torch at the redstone of the clock and take it down again immediately, with the right timing the clock will start blinking.