Houses building ideas

Houses building ideas

Dam with jetty

A large dam for holding and hoarding water

Futuristic sphere house

A house with a roof garden in a glass sphere.

Jawa Sand Caterpillar

The sand crawler of the Jawas from Star Wars.

Telecommunications provider

Computers have to be sold somewhere - even Minecraft.
Computer in description.

Luxury villa with vivid front garden

It consists mainly of wool and ice.

Arena with sun roof

An arena with a wooden sun roof in which to fight.


This facility produces leather, meat, and steaks in a fully automated fashion, but requires spawner eggs.

Small luxury yacht

A small luxurious yacht to take a vacation.

Mini game Shooting Range 1vs1

This archery system is suitable for two players, determines the winner and is immediately ready for use after reset.

Donkey Ranch

A lovingly designed enclosure to enable species-appropriate husbandry. With stable, a pit for wallowing, pond and Redstone-controlled gate.