Medieval building ideas

Medieval building ideas

Creeper Shrine

This Creeper Shrine is built entirely of moss stones and decorated with vines.

Medieval bakery

We show here an idea for a medieval bakery with living area.

Idyllic mountain hut

A cosy and simple house in the mountains.

Wall of wooden doors

A wall of wooden doors up to six blocks high. This wall is not suitable for every place, but for a small medieval village it fits and is decorative.

Temple (any deity)

A temple which could belong to any deity (e.g. Roman).

Grass roof

A grass roof doesn't fit everywhere, but it's something different and nice and simple.

Medieval market place

Here we show an idea for a medieval marketplace with many details.

Marketplace Deco

Small decoration for a marketplace or street decoration for the Middle Ages.

Functioning hammer mill

A movement with a movable hammer. Fits well in medieval villages or towns.

Romanesque cathedral (facade)

The facade of a Romanesque cathedral.