Ideas with Redstone

Ideas with Redstone

Money printing machine

This should not be missing in any bank.

Mini game Throwing 1vs1

When throwing, two players play against each other. The one who 'holes' the three snowballs faster is the winner. You could also call it a kind of bowling, mini golf or curling.


A buoy on the water.


A working stairlift.

Parking garage

A parking garage for horses.

Futuristic sphere house

A house with a roof garden in a glass sphere.

Tunnel Trap

If a player or creature passes the pressure plates, they are shot with arrows (or other objects).

Level crossing

When a lorry approaches, pistons simulating barriers with red and white wool block the way.

Arena with sun roof

An arena with a wooden sun roof in which to fight.


This facility produces leather, meat, and steaks in a fully automated fashion, but requires spawner eggs.