Royal estate

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Royal estate"/>

Royal estate

A large, multi-story mansion with a dome.

The building is mostly made of quartz. It has four floors in the central section, three each in the left and right wings and a large room in the dome. The entrance is centrally located on the lowest floor and can be reached via one of the staircases attached to the outside, which can also be used to access the various balconies. Inside, it is possible to move between floors via other staircases and to reach the dome via a narrow spiral staircase. The balconies and the roof of the dome are supported by massive columns.


Front view of the property


  1. Sorry I'm only replying now, it's been a few days since I uploaded the idea.
    On the pictures I used a shader, on the picture in the description also my texture pack. I personally find that Minecraft with the standard textures does not look as good as with a texture pack and shaders.

    Here is another picture without texture pack and without shaders.

  2. Hey Arthur I have seen the royal mansion and would like to rebuild it would you be willing to tell me how long how wide and how high the mansion is so that I can rebuild it that would be very nice thank you very much

  3. Hello, I think no one reads this anymore, but would still like to write something: The idea and also the style of the residence is very good, but I would have separated the columns / pilasters more color to emphasize the individual segments of the facade. So it looks to me just still a little "flat". But otherwise very nice, great building!

  4. Hello, me again:
    With shader and texturepack the mentioned problem is gone, but I don't find it reprehensible if a building is perfect only with texturepack.