Modern villa with garden

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Modern villa with garden"/>

Modern villa with garden

This is my new villa! I have given me a lot of effort to build this perfect, I hope you like it!

Here are more pictures:
And another picture with shader 😉

Oh yeah, xxluke, I like the new design from the upload 🙂 .


  1. I want to say something about the thumbnail, why is it so distorted? but otherwise a really good house/mansion (good mansion... xD)
    Just maybe... though? Oh, just have a look at Andysyoda and Grian. The give really good minecraft tips, then it will certainly "perfect". 😀

  2. @Galileo15 I think the building is so good, what's missing? A garage in the mountains without a road would be a bit inefficient, and the thumbnail is either so distorted because of your view, or it's because I'm playing with "Quacke Pro" field of view.