Old Town

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Old Town"/>

Old Town

Old town with gabled houses

The inner courtyard/backyard of an old town alley consisting of many gabled houses.
With a small pond (as in the example), or even with a market.
Inspired by old towns like the ones you can find all over Germany, Minecraft gets a whole new flair here.


  1. actually quite easy, just a little elaborate:
    -first you build the basic framework of sandstone 2 floors high. (my lower floor is made of clean/brickstone).
    -then build the gable front on the desired side, or on both if you like ... this must of course become narrower upwards
    -then you build the roof (which is the most elaborate part of the whole thing) on top, oriented to the inside of the gable.
    -then you only have to install the floors inside, here a steady height of these offers itself from the beginning ...

    orientate yourself best by the pictures, there you should be able to recognize it very well ... if you need some extra pictures, write me and i will send you some detailed screens.

  2. Sry, am currently not at home and therefore can not in minecraft to make n screen ... but Innenraumgestaltug is open to everyone ... I would vlt ne apartment or something to suggest ...