This trick is mainly something for people who want to make a Minecraft movie about super heroes or Jesus, but can also be used in adventure maps or for all those who want to try something unusual or new.
You need:
2 commandd blocks (if you don't know how to get them: /give @p command_block)
4 times earth
2 redstone flares/blocks/levers to power the command blocks
you need two command_blocks on each riverbank in the (when looking at the river) left command block:[quote]
/effect @p[r=2] minecraft:levitation 99999 255 true[/quote]
on the right
effect @p[r=2] clear[/quote]
on the other bank of the river the same only mirror-inverted.
Note#1: the Command_Blocks should be 2 blocks away from each other and 2 blocks deep in the ground.

Note#2 the Command Block settings are Repeat...Conditional...Requires Redstone
the setup looks like this:

That's good. I have not yet known. Get a like from me ;')
if you film, you can also simply fly in gamemode over the wassser 😉
so the idea is the levitation effect.
@picasso22 @Karl31a @SpreidlaDo any of you know why there are no command blocks on pe?
You can also take shoes and the enchantment also works
in the pe there is also no netherpotrale etc.
What's the enchantment for when there's this? This is a MILLION times better! (Hope you notice the irony)