Small artificial aquarium

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Small artificial aquarium"/>

Small artificial aquarium

The aquarium can be used well for decoration. However, you have to be careful that the ice blocks do not melt.
Also, unfortunately, there are no fish.


You need 2 bookshelves, 2 ice blocks and 6 trap doors.
You put the 2 bookshelves next to each other and on top of them the 2 ice blocks. Then you put the trap doors like in the picture. And then we would be done. :-)


  1. nice. simple but effective.
    but with glass panes and water filling it could also work.
    what are the bookshelves for? i don't understand. what are they supposed to represent?

  2. Mm-hmm. Maybe it'll work out that way:


    I used to take it that way because I have ice cream melting 😀.
    (It looks a little weird, but it serves its purpose).

  3. I'll be fine:
    In one corner of the room make a rectangle also wooden boards on the floor, replace the 2 inner blocks with Glowstone, on the wood glass and again wood and then hole in and water march!
    I'm afraid I don't know how to insert screenshots.