A cute little barn. It is not difficult to build and requires only 15-30 minutes of time.

What do you need?:
- oak fences
-brick blocks
-Daylight sensors
-Hall Doors
-nether fences
-Birch Wood Boards
-black oak fences
-spruce logs
-tropical wood boards
-straw bale
-(If you want) flowers
The Redstone lamps, how do they shine?:
The redstone lamps are located on stone brick blocks. On the Redstone lamp I have placed a daylight sensor. To make the daylight sensor bluish, you have to place a redstone torch on it (you won't see it afterwards).
Quite nice (even if very simple), but one more question: redstone flare on daylight sensor???
To invert the daylight sensor, simply right-click.
I don't want to accuse you of anything, but could it be that your barn is a bit like mine ? LG
The really looks very strong after your barn but I find something own she still has
Maddoxx and ifs ne 1-to-1 copy would be. That's why you uploaded it as an idea. :wassat:
@picasso22 Yes but not so it will be uploaded again 😀
I really don't like it.