Space Shuttle "EAGLE III"

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Space Shuttle "EAGLE III""/>

Space Shuttle "EAGLE III"

Mankind's dream of expanding its horizons is now a reality. "Eagle III", the third test unit of the "Eagle class" takes them where no man has ever been before.

"Eagle III" combines everything a 21st century shuttle needs with its rugged hull of obsidian, iron and quartz, its electronically superior equipment, and a revolutionary new 4-place booster rocket engine, and is the product of creativity combined with German engineering and ingenuity.

The drive can be regulated by cockpit control to off, half thrust and full thrust (see pictures).


Furthermore, the entire lighting inside and outside can be controlled via the complex lines in the cockpit. Enough space and also high comfort for up to 12 crew members offers this technical milestone. In order to make it possible to visit foreign celestial bodies, the shuttle houses a landing module in the rear part of the fuselage which enables 2 astronauts to approach the surface without any problems. The booster rockets, which were constructed technically very demanding, require constant maintenance to prevent short circuits in the engine room.

The whole shuttle and also the landing module can be controlled by the number keys in all directions thanks to the Haribote modification.


  1. Glad you like it, I do not know how to offer something as a download. I built the ship together with another Minecrafter, who has also built the 1st spaceship, in 2 days and 2 nights.