Stone suspension bridge

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Stone suspension bridge"/>

Stone suspension bridge

Stone suspension bridge with two land connections.

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Bridge consists of stone bricks (blocks/steps to round off at the bottom) and metal fences (border/"ropes")
Land connection 1: Stone tiles, stone steps, glowstone lamps and fences
Land connection 2: andesite, fences, glowstone lamps, quartz, stone bricks(blocks/stairs), trap doors
Has a small landing stage with stairs to the lookout point (Located in our harbour).

Who has more detailed questions, should contact me, then I can post more screenshots. E.g. of the small "footbridge" below the platform or similar.


  1. Well it goes 😀
    To get the connections already drags on from the time....
    We have made the columns of the bridge n odd number, then it went out well with us and well....with n little imagination goes...The rounding of the ropes you just have to get there....Kann the but eigl quite well and have it in the first attempt believe quite well managed 😉
    If you want to know how it is built 2*5blocks, 2*4blocks, 4*3blocks, 4*2blocks this is how I built it