Temple of Time from Zelda Ocarina of Time

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Temple of Time from Zelda Ocarina of Time"/>

Temple of Time from Zelda Ocarina of Time

Temple of Time from Zelda Ocarina of Time with working secret door and music.

The temple was one of my side projects on my old server. It was created on a whim and has improved over time again and again. In the beginning with miles of redstone lines, it now runs with command blocks. It is of course not a 1 to 1 copy from the game but more inspired by the game.
As soon as you enter it Zelda's lullaby starts to play, the music blocks for it are underground. Instructions are available on the internet. Here is a Youtube video of the piece https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEmsWXGpJ_g
Once you trigger the secret to open the secret door to the Master Sword, the Zelda secret sound will play. Also underground, this one is pretty easy to build, here is a youtube video about it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ll_h7ab2rYw
The door is opened with command blocks and closed again after 5 minutes.
In the secret room itself is of course the Master Heavy. Through armor stand it is stuck in the stone, as in the game, and can be pulled out.

And more pictures
Temple outside
Temple inside
Secret door closed
Secret door open
Master sword


Zelda's Lullaby https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEmsWXGpJ_g
Zelda Secret Note https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ll_h7ab2rYw
ArmorStand: /summon ArmorStand ~0.3 ~ ~0.5 {Invisible:1b,ShowArms:1b,Equipment:[{id: "minecraft:diamond_sword",Count:1b},{},{},{}],Pose:{RightArm:[80f,0f,0f]}}


  1. It's called Temple of Time and that translates as Temple of Time. That the German version translates differently is not my fault. So much for not being a true fan.

  2. @thebigsmileXD is honestly said completely from my head, without using a template, emerged. Therefore probably a bit too edgy and not 100% correct. However, that was never my intention 😀

  3. @WarriorCats you are such a boring person. Don't you have any hobbies other than always busting my balls? Find some friends and stop bugging me you stupid little kid.