TNT bomber

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=TNT bomber"/>

TNT bomber

Slime vehicle with two cabins, TNT bombs and rear and front lamps

You can use this vehicle for example in multiplayer war. You sit down in a cabin (boat),
and when your enemies are below you, you detonate and the TNT drops. BOOM!! If there are two of you, the second one sits in the other boat. In war you are protected from arrows thanks to the surrounding blocks, and if you build it high enough, even'the sword can't harm you.


You're building a slime vehicle, 
on it a cabin with pistons in the front.
The next section consists of two slime blocks surrounded by TNT and a flask.
Now you can add the last two sections one more time, also twice, three times, four times, ... You can also mix TNT sections and boat sections, or just let people in... You can mix as you like!

As a special extra you can also add lamps.

To activate the engine you have to light the second piston from the right.
Alternatively, you can place a shield or torch on him.