Solar Power Lines

Solar power lines that supply the city with green energy.

Hunter high stand

A high stand in the forest for those who like to hunt with bow and arrow.

Automatic refrigerator

An automatic iron door refrigerator that opens when you push the button and throws a piece of food out of the dropper.

Levers with symbols

To better distinguish levers (e.g. one for door, one for light, etc.).

Miscellaneous lanterns

With this idea I would like to show a few examples of how lanterns can be built.

Animal Shelter

A home for homeless dogs and cats.

Chair from fences

A chair made of fences.

Ice cream truck

An ice cream truck to make kids happy.

Functional tank

This tank is relatively easy to build and even buildable in Survival. It can shoot fireworks or fireballs.

Toxic gases

Toxic gases rising from the earth.