Water feature

A kind of fountain, but made of glass and special in its own way.

Hidden switch

Behind the picture is a pressure plate that you can throw an item at to trigger it.


Ruins that are best built with quartz and then decorated with vines. They fit into any small forest and make discovering the world even more exciting.

Signal rockets at night/storm

This circuit shoots rockets at regular intervals at night or during rain/thunderstorms.


If bats or other flying mammals are always eating away your seeds, this scarecrow will help.

PS Vita

A PS Vita made of wool.

Sewerage system

If you have built a village of several houses, you can build a sewer system under the paths (picture shows cross section). Professionals can build them so that items are actually washed away and each house has a connection.

Small artificial aquarium

The aquarium can be used well for decoration. However, you have to be careful that the ice blocks do not melt.
Also, unfortunately, there are no fish.

Small chapel

A small chapel for a village.

Hanging Gardens

A pyramid-like building with any plants.