Ideas with Redstone

Ideas with Redstone

Small automatic lighting

This is the smallest possible fully automatic lamp in Minecraft without mods. At night the left lamp burns, during the day the right. You can also omit the right lamp.

Fully functional spaceship

Flying spaceship armed to the teeth, ready to destroy entire worlds.


A gun that permanently shoots fireballs when you flip the switch.

Automatic station

A small simple station, but which automatically collects trolleys and sets them again at the push of a button.

Long-term clock

This clock only emits a signal every 15 minutes.

Semi-automatic grain farm

If you pull the lever, the grain is automatically harvested and flushed to a collection point, where you only have to collect it. After that you have to replant the grain.

Automatic pumpkin / melon farm

The cobs automatically harvest the pumpkins or melons and push them into the river so that they are flushed to a collection point.

Automatic sugar cane farm

This farm automatically harvests sugar cane without you having to do anything yourself.

Daily pulse generator

This circuit emits a short signal once a day (here the piston on the right). This is e.g. practical for automatic farms.

Semi-Automatic Cocoa Farm

At the push of a button, water comes out of the throwers, which flushes the cocoa plants to the exit. After that you have to replant new cocoa.