A more detailed fireplace made of armor stands
I find a fireplace of armor stands much nicer than just light a Netherstein. Especially the shoulders which represent the wood I find beautiful.
Source of this implementation: http://imgur.com/a/bNLmi
3 Alternative: https://minecraft-bauideen.de/Lagerfeuer
I didn't find this post in my search for identical ideas, so I uploaded this one.
To build this fireplace needs a little preparation.Material:
1 x bed
2 x water
1 x Lava
4 x quarry stone wall
4 x Armor Stand
4 x Any block that is not affected by gravity and can be moved by a piston
1-4 x piston
1-4 x Redstone Block
0-4 x slime block

First you dig a hole like the one in the picture...

Then you place a bed, the water and the quarry stone walls. You have to place the bed in front of the water, otherwise you can't place the bed anymore. You have to place the water behind the pillow.

Next, place 2 blocks over the pillow and the water source, preferably the same as in the area.

Now you need to place 2 more quarry stone walls and 1 water. The walls both in the upper layer and the water on the far left in the dug hole.

To place the armor stands you have to place 2-3 blocks as shown in the picture. You have to place the 4 armor stands as follows:

The order does not matter. Don't worry if the armor stands are not the same height during the building process, they will be at the end.

When the armor stands are placed, wait until they stop moving/all have swum to the same point. Now you can collect the upper water source again with a bucket and place a block there. You can also remove the upper 2 quarry stone walls as soon as the armor stands bounce and you can now also place water at the running water.

You can now dismantle the quarry stone wall under the bed and place lava there.

To fill the hole you have several possibilities:
1. you build it like in the picture and use 1-2 pistons.
2. you don't use slime and push each block down one by one, you can also use 1-4 pistons for this purpose
3. you have another idea :D

If you do it like me, you have to activate both pistons now (order doesn't matter) and remove everything you don't need anymore (slime, pistons etc).

If you did everything right, it will look like the picture :sideways:
If not then go through the instructions again, or write nen Kommi.
Have a good barbecue
This idea is already on this page. Infomiere you but please about whether you upload etwad new at all.
Chaos Builder
@Promptly Why are pre-existing/identical Let ideas through??
Wasn't it specifically designated alternative suggested, so this fits. In addition, the instructions here are better.
Oh I'm sorry I didn't see the other fire pit from Rüsstungsständer. Of course I have informed myself, have searched for campfire, fireplace and other tags but only found the fireplace I currently registered.
That Gabs Zwar already but with stones and other construction method so this is a new idea
I agree with aef
improved fireplace also automatic fireplace possible:
3×3 and 2 deep top left and top right one bed middle top water bottom 3 walls
above above below 3 walls middle 1 wall left and right 1 field wider with water
above in front of the beds 2 blocks on top of each other for the armor stands per bed 2x diagonally crossed 2x straight crossed drop dan left and right water away and middle and the wall fill up water so that the stands no longer bounce then top middle a block in the water middle wall away bottom left and right all walls away bottom middle only upper wall away lower mus remain bottom left and right to the bottom away 2x deep 3x long dan ferbinden so that a block on the wall is
behind the wall llama at the corners stick pistons with block redstone connection behind the pistons and together lead upwards close everything so that a lever can turn the fire on and off build comb around it so that an optical sensor looks forward case door in front of it Anden block next to the case door behind turn on a switch case door is then duck and Iren ramen attach a stick makes a clock out of it the case door is the switch for the fire and you can build your house, castle Drumherum fell fun
pretty cool