
Here's a new idea for a gallows, with a hanged man.


An elegant way to store wheat and a perfect addition to a rural area.

Impaled heads of the enemies

The heads of enemies impaled on spears as a deterrent.

Bookshelf with real books inside

You can make bookshelves usable by sliding a goods lore into the shelf.


A small cosy farm with barn, silo, fields and residential house.

Grandfather clock

A large grandfather clock. It has a pendulum made of an iron grid.

Wall of cards

Several cards matching each other, hung in frames.

Underground roads

Underground roads to get around quickly.

Railroad embankment

A railroad embankment for railroad lines.

Illuminated coastal road

A road with lanterns along a coast and a wall on the sea side, like old roads e.g. in Ireland. Optimal with curves and a slope on the side. Makes a nice impression especially at night.