Houses building ideas

Houses building ideas


A cozy spot for parks or open spots in the countryside to admire nature and have some quiet time to yourself.

Connecting corridor between houses

A small passage to connect two houses. The advantage of this is that, even if the area for an house is limited, can create a large monster-proof room.

Mini game Wipeout (obstacle course)

A course in which two players can compete against each other.

Factory Farm

This is a modern livestock farm.

Old Spanish Galleon

An old sea giant that also makes a good apartment.

Mini Game Chicken Hunter 1vs1

This version is for one or two players. The first to generate more items with bow & arrow wins.

Large research vessel with helicopter

A large exploration ship for rescuing and discovering players or treasure.

Modern Twin-Setter Tower

Two large and imposing towers connected by a bridge where you can walk through and a beautiful front garden with fountain and parking.

Big DUMM-DUMM Skull Houses

They are very decorative and certainly scare monsters.

Great Chinese Temple

A sacred temple for Jin and Jang in Chinese style from the Far East