Medieval building ideas

Medieval building ideas


A barrack to heal the wounded or to spend the night.


A small bakery for baking rolls and eating steaks.

Guard in front of the city wall

These guards protect a city wall from evil eyes.

Dragon statue

A large decorative statue of a dragon.

Mage Tower

The mystical magic tower for witches and magicians. Ideal to accommodate a magic table.

Wagon Wheel Repair

A wagon wheel suitable as decoration for a workshop.


Here's a new idea for a gallows, with a hanged man.

Impaled heads of the enemies

The heads of enemies impaled on spears as a deterrent.


A small cosy farm with barn, silo, fields and residential house.

Mill with windmill and donkeys

This mill is used to grind grain and is powered by a windmill on the roof and donkeys on the inside.