Ideas with Redstone

Ideas with Redstone

Hidden stairs

Here you can see the redstone circuit for the hidden staircase, which in itself is very simple. Who wants to have it more secure can use e.g. a frame lock or another encryption.

Flip-flop switch

Here is another T-flip-flop variant.

3D paving stone printer

A cobblestone generator that can produce almost any shape using pistons and redstone.

1-block above-ground lamp

A simple idea for a stylish redstone lamp that can also be used in survival mode.

Flip-flop switch

This idea makes a switch output a redstone signal all the time. It works well for light switches.

Secret passage 2.0

Locked secret passage behind the painting, which can only be opened from the outside by throwing an item through the painting.

Party Cellar

A party cellar with all the trimmings: bar, DJ table, seating, dance floor and light show.

Secret cellar

A cellar that can only be accessed by a hidden lever.


Wargears are large fighting machines, loaded with lots of redstone technology, TNT guns, and other features.

Underground watermelon farm

This underground watermelon farm can mine anything through Redstone.