Ideas with Redstone

Ideas with Redstone

Frame lock

The door will not open until the items in the frames are in the correct orientation.

Simple random machine

A very simple random machine, but you always have to reset it manually.

Alert rockets

One of the "security measures" of the Berlin walls. If someone runs over the trip wire, a launcher filled with rockets ignites. This allows guards who are further away to notice the attacker.

TNT catapult

A machine that takes you up to 600 meters.

Functioning cannon

A cannon that shoots fireballs.

Fully automatic TNT cannon with magazine

A TNT cannon that fires TNT for a very long time without refilling.

Vending machine for food or other things

Storage system for food or other things. The dispensers are triggered by the pressure plates.

Lava trap for caves

When the diamond ore is removed, the gravel falls down and interrupts the redstone signal.

Alarm system

The alarm system is used to keep burglars and unwanted people out of one's home.

Broken ticket vending machine

A small detail for a (broken) station.
When you press the switch, there are a few clicks and the player is thrown about eight tickets (renamed paper).