Lorry towers for decoration

Complexity: simple
<h1 class=Lorry towers for decoration"/>

Lorry towers for decoration

A large or small lorenturm (bad for survival because the procurement of the many lorenturm takes a long time)


MUST be recognizable in the picture...
Otherwise (as always) please write in the comments...


  1. Not to mention the spelling and self-praise....
    ...unfortunately I don't find this idea decorative, nor do I understand any sense behind it and I'm also not sure if the part is so insanely stable and doesn't suddenly collapse by some coincidence or mob.

  2. I also give you a dislike because I find that it was not made with much passion but only on force many it looks in another texture pack besswer and if so then make extra pictures with the texture pack but so is me the suffering is not good enough because here many really give a lot of effort and with which the things look better.

  3. Sorry...was just because I pushed quite a few loren out of my flying house...and they were piling up...so I thought I'd just put it in here!!!!