Ideas with Redstone

Ideas with Redstone

Automatic water dispenser

You put empty buckets in the top, water buckets come out the bottom.

House Protection

Pushed up pistons to ward off zombies, skeletons and creepers.

Small Boots Pier

A small Boots Pier that makes a good decoration and is also useful.

Day/Night - Input

This construction can be used to camouflage a cave entrance that is only visible at night (or during the day).

Safe entrance

Opens only if you jump over the lower tripwire and trigger the upper one

Above-ground redstone line (cf. power line)

A variation of the power line: the redstone line is built on barriers.

Experience Level Shower

You stand in the shower and get XP.

Automatic animal killing machine

This machine helps in killing animals to get the items quickly.

Alarm system

You walk across the pressure plate and an alarm system is activated.

Lantern with Nether Portals

A lantern for a large city. You can switch to nether portal light and to redstone lights.