Mini game Shooting Range 1vs1
This archery system is suitable for two players, determines the winner and is immediately ready for use after reset.
Pumpkin / melon harvester with lorry
The lorry releases pistons as it passes the pumpkins and collects them on the return journey.
Stop with turnaround
A stop at which you can turn around or continue your journey by pressing a button.
Mini game Wipeout (obstacle course)
A course in which two players can compete against each other.
Mini Game Chicken Hunter 1vs1
This version is for one or two players. The first to generate more items with bow & arrow wins.
Farm Automat
A semi-automatic farm for carrots, potatoes or cereals that automatically grows the plant with bone meal and then harvests it.
Possible applications for TNT cannons
TNT guns are well known and not exactly new on this site. But here are a few new ideas that go from recreational fun to senseless slaughter of animals.
Simple automatic pumpkin / melon farm
Melon and pumpkin farm that fully automatically detects growth and then harvests.
Clay lighthouse with daylight sensor
The clay lighthouse turns on automatically as soon as it gets dark.
Intelligent loading and unloading station for goods trolleys
Automatic loading / unloading of a goods wagon without unnecessary empty runs and with adjustable filling control.