Ideas with Redstone

Ideas with Redstone

Hidden way

A lever is used to move two pistons, one on top and one on the bottom, to push the stones away. It is disguised as an oven.

Zombie Fucking Machine

The zombie tries to get to the villager, but the path changes every time the zombie runs across the pressure plate.


After a period of time, a block of sand is removed from the glass column.

Opening hours

With this circuit, which can hardly be surpassed in primitiveness, you can introduce opening hours. The door closes when it is dark. E.g. for a park, a public building, its garden, etc.

Disguised door opener

If you change a block above the sticky piston a little, there is a permanent redstone signal.

Hidden switch

Behind the picture is a pressure plate that you can throw an item at to trigger it.


With the help of music blocks you can compose your own music in Minecraft.

Signal rockets at night/storm

This circuit shoots rockets at regular intervals at night or during rain/thunderstorms.

Industrial furnace

An oven that can melt/fry etc. up to 1728 things in a row!

Automatic Minecart loading and unloading station

On the left, the items are loaded from the crate into the Minecart until the crate is empty. Then the Minecart is sent off automatically. On the right, the items are then unloaded into another crate.