Ideas with Redstone

Ideas with Redstone

And-Gate (And-Gate)

When both inputs are on, there is an output.

TNT Trap

A simple TNT trap.

Fireplace with lighter, extinguisher (refillable compact)

This modified type of fireplace has a lighter and an extinguisher with a maintenance mode. So you can sit back and relax and press a button to light the fireplace and at the same time but also extinguish and bring into maintenance mode to refill the launcher with the fireballs.

B&M Dive Coaster

A Dive Coaster is the perfect roller coaster in an amusement park/theme park

Fireplace with lighter (compact design)

A fireplace with a redstone starter in a compact design.

Functioning printer

A small working detail for a study.


I have recreated an Ikea in Minecraft. In the picture you can see it from the outside.

Jump Elevator - 4 Blocks Edition

This elevator flings you up to the next floor. A block of slime is used for this.

Frame lock 2

This is a further development of the frame lock from xxluke. Basic idea and idea are therefore not from me!
The reason for the further development was the fact that this lock is easy to pick.

Fortified harbour

This is a larger harbour fortress designed to provide a safe berth for merchant ships in particular.