Ideas with Redstone

Ideas with Redstone

Medieval butchery Butcher

Redstone house with drop elevator,.automatic oven and animal trap for sheep and cows,
Butcher Lets show in Tudor style with shop, oven, kitchen and dining area, store, dormitory, and redstoning circuits.

Gambling Machine

Functioning slot machine with many possibilities to set and many different winnings. Multiple wins are also possible.


This race car is a sports car, you can see the engine in the back.

Balcony with wind noise

The secret behind the wind noise lies in a command, which is unfortunately needed for it

Hidden door in a column

A nice technical gimmick.

Overhead/wall lighting

There are already many ways to build and use light sources in Minecraft. Now here is another one.

Functioning (large-scale) music system

I once thought: Why not connect a Redstone clock with note blocks?
It's not hard to build and anyone should be able to do it.

Chandelier from DLD

Very nice chandelier, you can of course choose a type of wood yourself

Waiting bench

A bench to sit on

Mirror + shower

If you turn off the shower on one side, it also goes off on the other side ... etc.