Ideas with Redstone

Ideas with Redstone

Useful cocoa farm

This persimmon farm is not only pretty but also useful and semi-automatic.

Possible clock generator types

A few ways to build clocks.

Player Scare Trap

When you open the door with the button in front of this little quartz house, you will be surprised by a stand of armour running towards you.

Minecart player trap

When players drive onto the detector rails, sticky piston stone blocks extend, choking the player and blocking all entrances until you destroy the lore from the side and pick up the dropped items.

Redstone XOR gate

This circuit only comes on when both levers are flipped.

Own portal

This portal can transport you over long distances. The appearance, the particles and also the sounds of the portal can be customized.

Monster torture system for 2 block monsters

A room where Mosters can spawn and be pushed to the Piston by the water flow (see description) and suffocate there.

Hotel room

A detailed example of a modern 3-4 star hotel room with bathroom.

Invisible door

There is a fence gate under the door and carpet, allowing you to control access without a visible door.

Electric garage door

A Redstone-powered garage door.