Houses building ideas

Houses building ideas

Modern summit property

Two-storey modern villa, small, no interior decoration

365/366 days calendar v1

Hello and Happy Easter, I made up a calendar that counts 365/366 days, so every 4 years 366 days, you can also choose certain days like holidays, birthdays whatever for days, adjust so that an event is triggered automatically. New Year's Eve is already fixed with fireworks.

Apartment block - large

A large apartment block which houses 9 flats, a lounge and a restaurant on the lowest floor. (Version 1.12.2)

fort mine

Based on Fort Knox in the USA This is Fort Mine


You can live in this tree very well and there is also enough space under the roots.

Build secret door without mod

With this secret door, you can easily secure your house even if you have few resources and no mod. All you need is: 2 adhesive pistons A few times redstone 1 lever or switch

Modern Villa - by NitroX

A villa in modern style. Garden, as well as parrot enclosure available.

Fire and emergency call centre

A fire and ambulance centre with an integrated emergency call centre that takes all calls to 112.