Game minutes in the sidebar
This clock shows the minutes of the game in the sidebar in a few steps.
Asynchronous (long-term) clock
A clock that outputs a redstone signal every [x] seconds for [y] seconds, e.g. every 60 seconds a lamp is switched on for 10 seconds.
Flip-flop switch
This version of the flip-flop switch is very simple and therefore best suited for the beginner.
Variable luxury automatic headlight
This versatile launcher for shooting arrows or ignite TNT offers pure luxury. It has a level indicator, an automatic stop system and it can be fired manually or automatically.
Disco beacon with start/stop switch
Beacon with color changing play by moving glass blocks in an endless loop.
Redstone Lantern
This simple streetlight automatically detects the time of day and lights up accordingly.
Piston Double Extender
By using two pistons, the front block is pushed forward two blocks.